Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Jewish Finance and European Imperialism
Specialists of all sorts have tried to figure out why development and imperial strength moved from one European power to the other in the course of last 500 years of European history. No reasonable findings were made and no plausable explanation was found, untill independent researchers, such as myself, independent not only of ruling academias of their days, but also independent of each other, started making connections between Jewish finance and empires sprouting or dying out here and there.
It all starts with the Spanish Empire that was dominant all the way to 16th century, when it started going down. What caused the Spanish Empire to lose its strength?
To answer that question, one should investigate to see what major change took place in and around Spain that could have affected such a dramatic change in the destiny of the Spanish Empire.
When one with impartial disposition does that, one finds that the biggest change that happenned to the Spanish Empire was the Expulsion of Jews from the Empire in 1492. With that Expulsion Spain lost its Jewish venture capital which was responsible for having financed its overseas' exploits, especially in the Americas. Losing that capital, and not being able to substitute it with Gentile capital, "the business" of exploiting other nations and countries greatly died down. From hence, you have the downing of the Spanish Empire. If people are looking for proovs of Jewish capital financing Spanish exploits all over the world, they don't need to look any further than the Voyage of Columbus. A lot preceded that. Once expelled, Jews took their gold and left Spain, even though Spanish did everything to stop the gold from leaving, but the Jewish chutzpah outsmarted them. It is not only the gold that left Spain; it is also the venturing Jewish financiers, who had reached the heights of knowledge in financial speculation by that time that left the country. They took with themselves that superior wisdom of financial speculation that caused the Spanish Empire to fall apart in short time. If Spain benefitted so strongly from Jewish finance, and Spanish could not have missed that point, the question arises, why did they throw Jews out. The answer is very simple - Spanish did not want to be overtaken by Jews, and did not want to endanger their way of life - Catholicism, even if it meant losing their imperial strength. Spanish were not willing to pay that heavy of a price for maintaining an empire. At one point that empire stopped being their's, and was fully dominated by Jews. Spanish had to interfere to keep their religion and their culture in tact. America is facing the same problem now. USA is an empire, but the American people are not their own. They are enslaved by Jews. What will they do?
Jews are always looking for a host body that would take them in, and would allow them to be who they are - financial speculators. Having been thrown out of Spain, Jews found refuge in Italian city-states and in Ottoman Empire. Suddenly at the time of Spain's weakeneing, an independent observer sees fast and unexplained rise of Italian city-states and of Ottoman Empire into naval empires competing with each other for the domination of the Mediterranean sea. A close look at the trading houses of Venice shows that all of over 100 dominant trading houses of Venice at the time were Jewish. Jews were financing the Venetian Empire. They were doing the same thing in Ottoman Empire. Having settled in Salonika of Greeks, which at the time was under Ottoman occupation, Jewish bankers and financiers heavily financed the Ottomans for their own benefits, to the point that Turks, a nomadic tribe of savages, originating in Central Asia, became the dominant power of the Mediterranean sea in 16th century. Turks were so powerful that the Mediterranean sea at the time was called a Turkish lake. Turks encircled Mediterranean sea from south(North Africa), from east(Levant,Palestine), and from North(by conquering big chunks of south-eastern Europe all the way to Vienna, and by intimidating the French to relinquish Tolouse as Turkish naval base). Turks also controlled the Gibraltar in the West. One can not make sense out of this Ottoman rise, unless one considers the fact that the Jewish capital, which left Spain, landed in Ottoman Empire, next to Italian city-states.
It is also very telling to understand why Italian city-states went down, while Ottoman Empire survived all the way into early 20th century. There is one big fact that should not be overlooked. Venetians expelled Jews, just like Spaniards did, being good Catholics, but Turks continued harboring and entertaining Jews. Therefore, one empire went down, in absence of its driving force - the Jewish capital(Venice), but the other sustained its empire, in presence of its financial backbone - the same Jewish finance(Ottoman Empire).
Having been expelled out of Catholic southern Europe, Jewish finance landed in Protestant North - in Northern Germany and in Holland. Protestanism was more open to Jews by nature. From that point on you have the rise of Northern Protestant empires(Holland, England), as opposed to Southern Catholic empires(Spain,Venice).
Holland, a dwarf of a nation, becomes so powerfull at that point, that its naval empire financed by Jews, covers vast territories half a way across the world. Holland controlled Indonesia all the way to 1965. You do your own calculations. The rise of North-German cities was also due to Jewish financing.
From this point on it gets really intriguing. Jews had established the Bank of Amsterdam in 1607. By this time they have monopoly over printing of currency. The Bank of Hamburg, established in 1620, demonstrates Jewish power over North Germany. Having conquered Continental Protestant Europe, from this point on, the Jewish eyes covet Engalnd across the Channel, since England under Jewish yoke would be indispensable due to its natural geostrategic protection of the ocean. There was one problem, though. Since 1290, Jews were expelled from England by Edward Ist, and not allowed to reside in it for their usury and for other parasitic, immoral and illegal activities.
A certain low-life was found in England, named Oliver Cromwell, who agreed to depose the King and to kill him on Jewish behalf, to allow for Jewish return to England. Cromwell and his criminals-revolutionaries were financed by the Bank of Amsterdam, namely by Manasseh Ben Israel and by Manasseh's brother-in-law, certain David Abravanel Dormido. Other Jews, such as, Fernandez Carvahal, and Marano Jewish Portuguese ambassador to England - De Souza were also instrumental in financing Cromwell's hoodlams. Cromwell committed the regicide, and in 1655 allowed Jews to return. Jews returned and got another king beheaded later, who stood on their way of establishing the Bank of England, brought over their bus-boy from Holland - a certain Dutch army carreerest by the name of William Standholder, and appointed him as king of England by the name of William the IIIrd. William did exactly what Jews devised the whole English revolution in the first place for. William granted Jews the charter for the private central Bank of England in 1694. The English nation's credit was handed over to Jewish finance, just like Dutch, North German, Swedish national credits were handed over to Jews earlier. The Bank of Sweden was created in 1650's. Anyone, who doubts Cromwell's cospiracy with Amsterdam's Jews can read Cromwell's back and forth in mail with Amsterdam's Synagogue leader Ebenezer Pratt, where the two literally discuss on how to kill Engalnd's king Charles the Ist. All the above-given information could be found on Internet with references. If I was writing a book, I would place those references. "Real Jew News" of Brother Nathanael Kapner - a former Jew himself is very accurate. I recommend that site.
Anyways, following the establishment of the Bank of England - Jewish Bank chartered as the Bank of England - plunges England into deep debt - a classical way of Jewish financial control. The Brittish Empire extends all over the world - exploiting and sucking the blood of nations of the world to benefit the international financiers of the Private Central Bank of England, whose identities were never allowed to be revealed by the charter of the bank. I want readers to see a familiar fact - the people under whose name the empire was run benefitted nothing from it. Instead they were deeply in debt to finance that empire. The beneficiaries were shareholders of the Bank of England with their Dutch Jewish engine plus indigenous sell-outs, who sold their nation and their government for 30 pieces of silver. Hence you have the phenomena of so called constitutional monarchies. Those monarchs, who refused to give in to Jewish finance were decimated like Charles I and II of England, like the French Bourbon king in 1791, like Nicholas II Romanoff of Russia with his whole family in 1918.
Jewish bankers' conspiracy, aided by their gofers - the masons, has very bloody path, and it is not over yet. Only GOD knows what evils have these parazites prepared for humanity to come.
Having fully set up the financial system of the Brittish Empire, and having ripped enormous financial benefits from Brittish Empire, the Jewish finance crossed over the ocean, and took over USA, by turning it into an empire. Jewish finance fully took over US in 1913, when one of its own - Paul Warburg came to US from Germany and hustled America into establishing the private central bank of US, using carefully staged Panic of 1907, hiding under phony name of Federal Reserve. From that point on America started its transformation from the republic that it was into the empire that it has become over the last one hundred years. Jews financed both world wars using American taxpayers' money, using the Fed, and benefitted greatly from both wars. Remember Baruch, Meyer and Warburg in WWI. However, the ultimate purpose of Jewish finance, in its constant jumping from nation to nation, in its raising and killing off empires, is not only to benefit financially, but is step by step to attain political power on global scale. That is to push the world into One World Government under the yoke of International Jewish High Finance. For that pupose world wars are necessary. There can not be a world government without the devastation of the world war. Humanity that is made up of nations - each of whome is sovereign in its own rite, will never acknowledge a global supergovernment, unless it experiences such global devastation that it sees no other way out, but to relinquish its sovereignity to a supranational government under Jewish finance. Jewish finance has excelled the art of financial control through single currency. A future global currency is Jewish financiers' key to global economic control. Add on top of that a unified army acting as a police force, and you will have a full economic and political control under one world government.
Could Jews ditch the Anglo-American Empire in favor of the newly set-up European venture. Possibly, but it would change very little in the final outcome of the game. From empire to empire the Jewish finance has jumped, but its ultimate goal has always been world domination under one world government. As Warburg - a premier Jewish financier - said at hearings of US Congress, in 1950 "We will have a world government, whether by consent or by conflict". There you go. How much more needs to be said? Do you want more? OK! David Rockefeller - one of premier Judaised international financial family chieftains - speaking in 1991, clearly said that a world that is headed by international bankers and intellectuals, would be a much better world than the one headed, as he said, by national autocrats. Autocrats, whome, his people have beheaded mercilessly throughout centuries all over Europe. Still not convinced? Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson and many other leaders clearly confessed that there is a world-wide conspiracy in making. In 2002, Ariel Sharon - then prime-minister of Israel, in his speech in Knesset, in his conversation with Shimon Perez said approximately the following. Check Internet for his exact words. He said, speaking to Perez, "Why do you always tell me that the Americans won't accept this or won't accept that. I am telling you that we - the Jewish people control America, and the American people know that". Is there anymore proof needed?
Anyways, in conclusion, my purpose in this article was to demonstrate direct connection between the movement of Jewish finance and of European and American empires rising and falling. I think I made a pretty good case for it. The LORD revealed this connection to me sometime ago. Independent of my own conclusions, I came across this point in Henry Ford's great work "The International Jew".
God bless all. I will cover the Jewish world programm next - The Protocols - point by point. I am waiting for my friend to return that book.
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