Today I want to touch on the origin, on the nature and on the goals of that cospiracy.
Right from the beginning I want to call the conspiracy by its full comprehensive name - a Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy to dominate the world. Here is why.
There are only two groups in the world that have the reach, the power, the influence, the ambition, the motivation and the ability to strive for world domination without practicing direct military takeovers. Jews and Masons - they are. Jews, in reality, are the only true candidates for this role. The evidence consistently points to Jewish authorship of the entire project. Call it a project of world takeover in conspiracy.
Let us consider that evidence thoroughly. This takeover is not a hard-power takeover. Meaning, primarily, it is not done through brut military power. It is a soft-power takeover. Meaning, it is done through mostly non-military methods. What are those non-military methods? They are first of all - a financial takeover. By controlling the world finance - the protagonists control everything directly or indirectly.
They control world economy by holding it in full monetary check. Private central banks of nations - grouped together in the apex of the world financial system - in BIS - Bank of International Settlements are controlled by The Money Power. The Money Power of the world is of private nature. It is not public. The international financiers/international bankers/private central bankers/Illuminati bankers are one and the same. They are the historical, primarily Jewish banking families out of Europe. They have built up the entire financial system of the world, which includes World Bank, International Monetary Fund, The world's central bank for nations' central banks - BIS, Stock Exchanges of the world, all major private banks of the world. These people have full, total financial control over world's economy by exercising financial speculation of the highest order, which is unknown, and not understood to and by the rest of the world.
All the historical and current financial aces of the world are primarily Jewish, and we are supposed to somehow, for reasons of political correctness, overlook that. Amazing. If they were not Jewish, but, let us say, were Mexicans. Would not that fact be discussed, and wouldn't people try to make sense of that phenomena. They surely would. I live in Glendale, California. Our town is at least 40% Armenian. At one point our city council had Armenian majority - 3 out of 5 members were Armenians. That became a point of major contention with city's Anglos. They allied with Jews of the city and quickly disposed of 2 out of 3 Armenians in the city council in subsequent 2 elections by substituting Armenians with Jews. This was a business of one small city that most of the world hasn't even heard about. Now, if one ethnicity's rise in one small city gets so much attention and backlash, why is it such a surprise that one ethnicity's total private control of the entire financial system of the world should get the proper attention that it deserves. Why do Jews historically dominate finance? This is a legitimate question that people are entitled to ask. There is absolutely no racism of any sort in it, just a simple curiosity to make sense of a very interesting phenomena.
Rothschilds, Warburgs, Lazard Freres, Goldman Sachs, Seligmans, Lehmans, Silvermans, Shiffs, Kuhns, Loebs, Israel Seiff, and many more are the money masters of the world, and they are all Jewish. They control the entire financial system of the world. How did they achieve this amazing position? Was it an accident? I highly doubt that. Conducting economic depressions and recessions are matters that are fully within their control, and as facts demonstrate to impartial observers, high international finance of the world stands behind those economic upheavels. We are told by ideological indoctrinators that the invisible hand of the market per Adam Smith is in charge of world markets, and not some financial speculators. That is a total nonsense. It is true - there is a hand involved that regulates and directs everything, and it is not some invisible symbolic hand, but it is the unified hand of the Jewish Banking Cartel under Rothschild family. Jewish prime-minister of Britain Disraeli said that much in 19th century. How much more established and more poweful that hand has become since then.
Having full control over most nations' credits, and printing their currencies, such as the American dollar, and the Euro, give Jewish bankers of the world absolute power over most of the world's economy. Add to that all international financial organizations of the world - such as - World Bank, IMF, BIS, all known financial powerhouses of the world - such as - Citigroup, Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc - and one begins to comprehend the extent of Jewish financial power. Do you think it was present only back in 19th century, in days of open Rothschild power? Remember, George Soros' hedge fund that brought down East Asian economies in second half of 1990's. Soros is a card carrying member of that Jewish bankers' gang. His fund was set up by a Rothschild bank in late 1960's. Soros is also a political functionary, on behalf of the gang throughout the world, of some very peculiar nature. Goldman Sachs stands behind Greece's latest debacle - its full bankruptsy. Why is arguably the most properous nation of the world - USA - in $15 trillion debt? The reason is very simple. US government does not print any money, contrary to what US Constitution instructs. It borrows that money from The Federal Reserve - an amalgalm of 12 privately owned Jewish banks, and pays it back with interest. The truth - once understood - is very simple.
The purpose of that Jewish gang is to enslave humanity by plunging all - individuals, businesses, governments into debt from which they can not recover. In return, the gang will dispossess the world of its land - real estate, and of its sovereignity. That is their plan. The consistent observation and analysis of the reality prove that. Remember what Joseph did to Egypt? He enslaved Egyptians and dispossessed them of their land to pay for their debt, which people incurred while buying corn from Joseph during famine brought on by GOD. Today's Jewish banksters(banking gangsters) are doing the same thing. There is one big difference, though. Joseph had GOD's wholehearted support and was a beleiver. Today's banksters do not fear GOD or men. All they do is for their own benefit and glory, theirs in Jewish racial terms.
Rothschilds, Warburgs, Lazard Freres, Goldman Sachs, Seligmans, Lehmans, Silvermans, Shiffs, Kuhns, Loebs, Israel Seiff, and many more are the money masters of the world, and they are all Jewish. They control the entire financial system of the world. How did they achieve this amazing position? Was it an accident? I highly doubt that. Conducting economic depressions and recessions are matters that are fully within their control, and as facts demonstrate to impartial observers, high international finance of the world stands behind those economic upheavels. We are told by ideological indoctrinators that the invisible hand of the market per Adam Smith is in charge of world markets, and not some financial speculators. That is a total nonsense. It is true - there is a hand involved that regulates and directs everything, and it is not some invisible symbolic hand, but it is the unified hand of the Jewish Banking Cartel under Rothschild family. Jewish prime-minister of Britain Disraeli said that much in 19th century. How much more established and more poweful that hand has become since then.
Having full control over most nations' credits, and printing their currencies, such as the American dollar, and the Euro, give Jewish bankers of the world absolute power over most of the world's economy. Add to that all international financial organizations of the world - such as - World Bank, IMF, BIS, all known financial powerhouses of the world - such as - Citigroup, Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc - and one begins to comprehend the extent of Jewish financial power. Do you think it was present only back in 19th century, in days of open Rothschild power? Remember, George Soros' hedge fund that brought down East Asian economies in second half of 1990's. Soros is a card carrying member of that Jewish bankers' gang. His fund was set up by a Rothschild bank in late 1960's. Soros is also a political functionary, on behalf of the gang throughout the world, of some very peculiar nature. Goldman Sachs stands behind Greece's latest debacle - its full bankruptsy. Why is arguably the most properous nation of the world - USA - in $15 trillion debt? The reason is very simple. US government does not print any money, contrary to what US Constitution instructs. It borrows that money from The Federal Reserve - an amalgalm of 12 privately owned Jewish banks, and pays it back with interest. The truth - once understood - is very simple.
The purpose of that Jewish gang is to enslave humanity by plunging all - individuals, businesses, governments into debt from which they can not recover. In return, the gang will dispossess the world of its land - real estate, and of its sovereignity. That is their plan. The consistent observation and analysis of the reality prove that. Remember what Joseph did to Egypt? He enslaved Egyptians and dispossessed them of their land to pay for their debt, which people incurred while buying corn from Joseph during famine brought on by GOD. Today's Jewish banksters(banking gangsters) are doing the same thing. There is one big difference, though. Joseph had GOD's wholehearted support and was a beleiver. Today's banksters do not fear GOD or men. All they do is for their own benefit and glory, theirs in Jewish racial terms.
They control politics of their respective nations by corrupting politics through unlimited money used to finance and to control politicians. Campaigns need money to function. They are built that way delibaretly - to put politicians in direct control by financiers. The ultimate product of this unhealthy relationship is financiers shaping, controlling and owning politicians and their messages. 50% of Democrats' budget and 25% of Republican budgets are raised by Jews, mostly by the Rothschild cartel. With money comes control. Any discussion of Jewish influence anywhere is deeply supressed. Anyone not giving into intimidation is harassed and persecuted using different methods. Those methods include character assassination and physical assassination, isolation, economic embargo(denying any gainful employment), upto and including imprisonment on false charges, etc. Everyone is expected to play stupid to please the Jewish money-masters.
Media/Entertainment/Education complex is critical to the success of this conspiracy. It provides the brainwashing of the masses, which is necessary for the conspirators to succeed. Without serious and consistent psychological, mental and sensual conditioning the Judeo-Masonic plan will not work. The media of all sorts is tightly controlled by Organized Jewry either through ownership, through advertizing, through management or through intimidation.
Lately Jewish journalist Klein wrote that Jews basically own Hollywood, because all 8 major executives are Jewish. To that ADL's Abraham Foxman responded that the fact that all 8 major executives are Jewish is just an accident, and one should say that they happen to be Jewish. Jews control public opinion and people through this kind of outright intimidation. They are very audacious, and will constantly push to subdue others untill they meet up with resistance.
Education is likewise controlled by Jewish leadership's corruption - such as homosexuality, other kinds of sexual perversions, historical revisionism to put Christian nations and their history down. General stupification of the overall society is their goal, and they have been very successfull in it. Christianity is completely driven out of public education, or is portrayed in a negative light. The bellitlement and constant putting down of Christians will inevitably lead to harsher treatment of Christians - such as imprisonment and genocide.
If one wants to check the facts about Jewish ownership of media and entertainment, one needs only to google the subject, and names will float to the surface.
Education is likewise controlled by number of so called educational foundations - such as Rockefeller Foundation. Jews will push it into people's eye that see Rockefellers are not Jewish. That is a lie. Rockefellers are Jewish, since for the last two generations they intermarried with Aldriches and with Silvermans, and that is the only reason why they were allowed to survive in the gang.
Freemasonry itself is a peculiar little entity. Constantly claiming some mysterious religious roots going back into the ancient world, the organization is just trying to hide the fact that it is created for purely political purposes. Its stated purpose is rebuilding of the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Surprise, surprise - its purpose fully overlaps with the purpose of Judaism. The two fit into each other as hand fits into its glove. Can this be an accident? Absolutely not. Jews always tell us that this and that concerning them is pure accident, that they have no clue about things, that they are such a helpless small community always persecuted by the bad guys. Really? Who made the Russian revolution, and wiped out the entire Christian civilization of Russia? Jews did! Who put America under this heavy financial yoke? Jews did! Who is dumping sewage into Christian youth through pornography, and through other Hollywood garbage? Jews are! Who is debasing and stupifying Christian youth through idiotic education system and through media of all sorts? Jews are!
Freemasonry is Judaism 101 for gentiles. You see Judaism is a Jesusless, lousy, phariseic, false religion, and as such it has no power to pull gentiles into it. That is why Jews constructed Freemasonry to recruit as many gentiles as they can to assist them in devouring and enslaving the world to the extent of their utter corruption and unlimited greed. Some gentiles foolishly have fallen into that trap driven by ambition and curiosity. Freemasonry can not compete with Judaism in its drive and in its commitment to its ideals. It was created by Judaism and is used to meet the ultimate Jewish goal - Jewish world government.
Now, this historical conspiracy is driven by Jewish racial credo of "the chosen people" principle based on Bible. The misinterpretation and misapplication of the above Biblical principle comes in when goals are materialistic rather than spiritual. Having denied Christ's message of spiritual salvation, Jews condemned, limited and reserved themselves to materialistic goals. Also, GOD's promises are conditioned upon receivers' obedience. And obedience is a foreign word to a Jewish ear. Jew has been rebellious against GOD throughout most of his history. It has been punished over and over again for that rebellion, but has not learned a lesson. It is still the same evil rebellious bunch always opposed to truth and to virtue, on purpose, wherever it is allowed to get an upper hand. GOD still has promises on them based on Scriptures, but surely this rugged bunch is determined to resist to the end. So be it. They just make it hard on themselves, hard and painfull. They seem to have come to love pain as a result of their history of rebellion and of Divine punishment - over and over again.
So the origin, the nature and the purpose of this cospiracy is uniquely Jewish. It aims at establishing a worldwide Jewish domination under one world government, at behest of Jewish world finance.
In this article whenever I used the word Jewish it primarily and first of all concerns Jewish world finance, and the top leadership of Jewry organized by Jewish financiers. Those ordinary Jews who stay out of the above-described evil project carry no blame on themselves. In future I will write at least two more articles dealing with the Jewish issue. One would explain direct relationship of modern European imperialism to Jewish finance, and the second will deal with The Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion, which is the Jewish world takeover programm. I will cover that point by point as relating to history as well as to present and to future. I am done for now. This article is not meant to serve as a tool of hatred against anyone. The only admonishment to be done is by the Love of Christ aimed at bringing all to repentance - both Jew and Gentile. God Bless all.
Lately Jewish journalist Klein wrote that Jews basically own Hollywood, because all 8 major executives are Jewish. To that ADL's Abraham Foxman responded that the fact that all 8 major executives are Jewish is just an accident, and one should say that they happen to be Jewish. Jews control public opinion and people through this kind of outright intimidation. They are very audacious, and will constantly push to subdue others untill they meet up with resistance.
Education is likewise controlled by Jewish leadership's corruption - such as homosexuality, other kinds of sexual perversions, historical revisionism to put Christian nations and their history down. General stupification of the overall society is their goal, and they have been very successfull in it. Christianity is completely driven out of public education, or is portrayed in a negative light. The bellitlement and constant putting down of Christians will inevitably lead to harsher treatment of Christians - such as imprisonment and genocide.
If one wants to check the facts about Jewish ownership of media and entertainment, one needs only to google the subject, and names will float to the surface.
Education is likewise controlled by number of so called educational foundations - such as Rockefeller Foundation. Jews will push it into people's eye that see Rockefellers are not Jewish. That is a lie. Rockefellers are Jewish, since for the last two generations they intermarried with Aldriches and with Silvermans, and that is the only reason why they were allowed to survive in the gang.
Freemasonry itself is a peculiar little entity. Constantly claiming some mysterious religious roots going back into the ancient world, the organization is just trying to hide the fact that it is created for purely political purposes. Its stated purpose is rebuilding of the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Surprise, surprise - its purpose fully overlaps with the purpose of Judaism. The two fit into each other as hand fits into its glove. Can this be an accident? Absolutely not. Jews always tell us that this and that concerning them is pure accident, that they have no clue about things, that they are such a helpless small community always persecuted by the bad guys. Really? Who made the Russian revolution, and wiped out the entire Christian civilization of Russia? Jews did! Who put America under this heavy financial yoke? Jews did! Who is dumping sewage into Christian youth through pornography, and through other Hollywood garbage? Jews are! Who is debasing and stupifying Christian youth through idiotic education system and through media of all sorts? Jews are!
Freemasonry is Judaism 101 for gentiles. You see Judaism is a Jesusless, lousy, phariseic, false religion, and as such it has no power to pull gentiles into it. That is why Jews constructed Freemasonry to recruit as many gentiles as they can to assist them in devouring and enslaving the world to the extent of their utter corruption and unlimited greed. Some gentiles foolishly have fallen into that trap driven by ambition and curiosity. Freemasonry can not compete with Judaism in its drive and in its commitment to its ideals. It was created by Judaism and is used to meet the ultimate Jewish goal - Jewish world government.
Now, this historical conspiracy is driven by Jewish racial credo of "the chosen people" principle based on Bible. The misinterpretation and misapplication of the above Biblical principle comes in when goals are materialistic rather than spiritual. Having denied Christ's message of spiritual salvation, Jews condemned, limited and reserved themselves to materialistic goals. Also, GOD's promises are conditioned upon receivers' obedience. And obedience is a foreign word to a Jewish ear. Jew has been rebellious against GOD throughout most of his history. It has been punished over and over again for that rebellion, but has not learned a lesson. It is still the same evil rebellious bunch always opposed to truth and to virtue, on purpose, wherever it is allowed to get an upper hand. GOD still has promises on them based on Scriptures, but surely this rugged bunch is determined to resist to the end. So be it. They just make it hard on themselves, hard and painfull. They seem to have come to love pain as a result of their history of rebellion and of Divine punishment - over and over again.
So the origin, the nature and the purpose of this cospiracy is uniquely Jewish. It aims at establishing a worldwide Jewish domination under one world government, at behest of Jewish world finance.
In this article whenever I used the word Jewish it primarily and first of all concerns Jewish world finance, and the top leadership of Jewry organized by Jewish financiers. Those ordinary Jews who stay out of the above-described evil project carry no blame on themselves. In future I will write at least two more articles dealing with the Jewish issue. One would explain direct relationship of modern European imperialism to Jewish finance, and the second will deal with The Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion, which is the Jewish world takeover programm. I will cover that point by point as relating to history as well as to present and to future. I am done for now. This article is not meant to serve as a tool of hatred against anyone. The only admonishment to be done is by the Love of Christ aimed at bringing all to repentance - both Jew and Gentile. God Bless all.