Thursday, March 29, 2012

Garen Mailyan's platform explained

  Here I am with my second blog, keeping my word, and explaining the content of the first blog, point by point.  My plan includes - 
  #1.  Abolishing Federal Reserve/IRS/Fractional Reserve Banking/Stock Exchanges

  Federal Reserve is neither federal, nor is it a reserve.  It is a system of 12 privately owned banks, whose shareholders are international financiers from abroad and from US.  It is not a reserve either, because the shareholders make no deposits into that system, but it is a credit agency, that prints US dollar and lends it to US government.  US government pays the debt back with interest attached to it.  That is simply why we are in 15+ trillion dollar in debt.  Lack of fiscal discipline does not explain this huge debt, but analysis of monetary discipline does.  It is absurd that US government does not print its own national currency, even though doing that would save it the huge annual interest payments.  US Constitution mandates US Congress to print Country's money, and it gives it monopoly in that field, yet International Finance, acting through its hired politicians, wrestled that constitutional monopoly away from Congress in 1913, and established a Private Central Bank to print America's money.  That is illegal, besides not making an economic sense.  Anyways this system should be abolished, and Congress should get back its constitutional right to print debt-free money.  
  Private Central Banking is a historical phenomena.  It is not limited to US alone.  It was imported from Europe.  It dates back to early 1600's at least.  Bank of Amsterdam, Bank of Hamburg were the first ones created in the first two decades of 1600's, followed by Bank of Sweden, and by the crux of the whole system - The Bank of England, in 1694.  These banks operated on same basics as Federal Reserve - they were their respective governments' creditors by holding monopoly on their respective nations' credits.  Overtime, all of Europe went under that system.  In some cases The Money Power achieved its goals rather peacefully, in other instances terror of revolutions was implemented to achieve their goals, upto and including beheading kings and queens.  Bank of Amsterdam financed Oliver Cromwell to topple the English king and to pave the way for the private central Bank of England to be established, which happened in 1694, by the charter of William of Orange, who was put in power by Bankers from Holland.
  Per Benjamin Franklin, American colonies fought the Revolutionary War to get rid of the Bank of England, and to be able to print its own debt-free currency.  Bankers came back with the BUS - Bank of Unites States - a private central bank of US in the image of the Bank of England.  Congress rejected to renew BUS' charter in 1811.  Britain, fully controled by the Bank of England, attacked US in 1812, as a response to that.  The War of Independence pursued.  America was victorious again.  Bankers hustled their way through and corrupted the Congress to establish the 2nd BUS in 1816.  Later President Jackson courageously fought and killed that bank.  Bankers tried to kill him, but The Lord protected him.  Bankers' war against the American republic continued.  Bankers organized economic panics twice in 1837 and in 1857 trying to economically suffocate  America into submission, but America did not give in.  Bankers continued their pressure on the republic and per German chancellor Otto Fon Bismarck set up the Civil War in America trying to dismember this country and so get rid of a an independent financial challenger from world politics.  Nations that were under private central bankers - France and England were used to help rebellious South in Civil War.  French and English navies were lurking off the East Coast ready to attack the North any moment.  Brittish troops were amassed in Canada ready to invade US from North.  France was in Mexico ready to invade US from South.  The only thing that saved the North was Russia with its navy that came down to San-Fransisco and threatened to engage France and England on behalf of North, if those nations invaded the North.  Russia did that not only for geopololitical reasons, but for one other major reason.  That reason was based on the fact that Russia and US, were the only major world powers that had not given in to private central banking yet at that point.  
  Anyways Bankers were able to get their way after having killed presidents that opposed them(Lincoln, Garfield, Mckinley, later Kennedy) and having installed presidents that suited them(T. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson), and after having engineered several economic panics(1907).  Bankers got Federal Reserve Act passed close to Christmas in 1913, when most Congress members were out on holyday.  They engineered the needed quorum and passed their bill, that had the Congress give away its right of money-printing to a private central bank called Federal Reserve.  The Fed engineered the Agricultural panic of 1921 and the Great Depression of 1929-1930's.  It also finaced WW1 out of American people's taxes.  Most presidents have gone alongside it.  One has challenged it, and paid with his life for it.  President Kennedy printed US Silver notes in Summer of 1963.  His plan was to so flood the market with debt-free US notes that there would be no need for Fed's currency.  Kennedy did not make it to Thanksgiving of the same year, and Silver US notes were discontinued.
  Currently, the Fed has plunged US into $15+ trillion in debt.  Their plan is to fully enslave US government and people by taking away land and ultimately nation's sovereignity as payment for debt.  Socialism is their way of filling the suspense created by debt enslavement.  Besides there is no better way to justify taxes that pay the interest of the loans they lend to US government, than by making those taxes supposedly necessary for social and for humane reasons of paying for public healthcare and for public education.  Don't be surprized when Soros - a stooge  of Rothchild with $22 billion dollars in his Quantum Fund, champions socialism.  Nothing fits their plan better than socialism, since it also kills off economic competition.  As one of the banksters (banker gangsters) - a Rockefeller once said - competition is sin.  Monopolistic capitalism walks hand in hand with socialism, since both hate competition in economy and in politics. 
  Anyways Fed needs to go.  IRS needs to go, too.  IRS was created at the same time by Bankers to work as Fed's collection agency.  Its purpose is to collect taxes from American people and to pay the Fed interest on the money that it lends to US government.  It just creates money out of thin air as a credit agency having been handed monopoly on the nation's credit.  If we leave IRS in place and get rid of the Fed, the Fed will come back again, because the primary reason for its very existence is to serve the Fed by being its collection agancy.  America did just fine without income tax before 1913.  It can do the same again.  At least the money will not be available to finance empires and to engage in wars.
  Fractional Reserve Banking is that practice by which banks lend 10 times over their actual assets.  Let us say you have only 10 dollars, but you are somehow allowed to lend 100 dollars with interest.  How is that to you?  Do you see what a scam is the whole banking industry operating on?  And this is legal.  It comes from middle ages, when goldsmiths started making fake reciepts on the gold they were holding, because they saw that depositors were not withdrawing big amounts of gold frequently.  Anyways that faulty premise became the founding principle of modern banking.  As Henry Ford said, it is good that the American people don't know how our banking system operates.  If they did there would be a revolution by tomorrow morning.  Anyways nothing contributes to inflation as this dishonest practice, because banks are given a right to create money out of thin air.  90% of any given bank's overall assets consist of money created out of thin air by the principle of Fractional Reserve Banking.  That principle should be prohibited by law.  Banks can lend only as much as they have, not 10 times over their holdings.  Central bankers often claim that if governments printed money there would be an out of control inflation.  Wrong.  Inflation is created by bankers' practice of reserve fractional banking.  Anyways, it should be abolished.
  Next thing up is the issue of stock exchanges.  Here is where the power of The International Finance resides.  Being able to control the world economy by subjugating the real economy of production and of service to the false bubble of financial speculation, is the purpose and the mission of stock exchanges.  They have no direct and real connection to people's economy, but are ways devised by international financiers to speculate and to control real production and service economy.  Stock exchanges should be done away with to allow production, service and useful economy to grow unhindered.  Was not it NY Stock Exchange that caused the Great Depression?

  #2 Next issue down is secret societies and secretive orders.  It suffices to say that secret societies are antidote to any form of effective government, specially to societies that make openness and democracy their bulwark.  Secret societies have been used by International Finance to foment revolutions and to topple kings that did not allow private central banking - English, French and Russian revolutions are its brightest examples.  The monarchies that bowed to The Money Power and sold off their nations and governments to serve them, became shareholders of their nations' central banks and were turned into constitutional monarchies.  Windsors of England are one such exapmle.  Secret societies were instrumental in affecting those changes for the benefit of bankers.  
  Freemasonry and its core that it shields - Illuminati is the premier secret order that is responsible for all historical revolutions.  So much so that they are not even hiding that they are in control of entire nations, such as US.  Examine US one-dollar bill and you will see Masonic/Illuminati insignia all over.  Masonic signs are also prevalent in many architectural designs of national monuments and buildings.  There are number of secret and secretive organizations in the world - all of whome have a purpose of establishing one world government - dream come true for international bankers.  Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Grove are such organizations that have Freemasonry/Illuminati as their common denominator.  Secret orders have been involved in conflict with the republic since its foundation.  Some founder fathers were masons, but many were not, and some such as President Adams warned about its dangers, and advocated its ban.  In late 1820's and in early 1830's there was a national Anti-Masonic party fighting against it after masons murdered Morgan - a former mason who came out of it and warned people about its dangers.  Anyways, nothing serves banksters like secret societies, and nothing promotes their goal of world government like secret societies do.  They should be banned.  Simply.

  #3  International Finance controls Media/Entertainment/Education in US through its fronts and interlocks.  That control does not yield anything good, since it promotes everything that is vile, ungodly and gross.  Bankers do not fear God or men, so they have devised mind control programms that they feed people having the aim of destroying all existing moral order, so they can reshape men in their own image.  The new man would be obedient to them, since he/she would be their creature.  We need to break their monopolies using anti-trust laws that are in place now.

  #4.  America's foreign policy should be transformed to meet demands of US national interests.  It does not do so currrently.  US foreign policy serves interests of International bankers and it promotes their goal of one world government.  Current US foreign policy vis a vis Middle East proves that.  US is helping to topple moderate Arab rulers, knowing full well they will be substituted by radical fanatics, who will adopt an aggressive foreign policy against US.  That change does not fit America's interest, but it does fit bankers' interest.  Bankers want to instigate a great world-wide conflict along religious, cultural and civilizational lines.  Out of that great war they hope to pull a genuine world government that will operate on supranational level under their care and according to their designs.  All recent US middle east wars, as well as Muslim terror against West, should be viewed in that context.  9.11 is starting to look like a false flag operation in likeness of sinking of Lusitania, and of Pearl Harbor - more and more.  It should be thoroughly investigated.  Why was Bin Laden so hurriedly assasinated and burried under sea with few photos of dead Bin Laden thrown to American people?  Is that what America deserved after years of being terrorised in Bin Laden's name.  With today's technology even Lady Gaga could be made to look like Bin Laden.  The government throws several photos of a Middle Eastern looking men to us and expects us to beleive everything it is telling us.  Even if it was Bin Laden, did US government shut him up, because he could speak things that are forbidden for Americans to know involving American government? 
  Anyways, mutual instigations have reached their pick point.  West is angry with Islam.  Muslims are angry with Christians.  Old hatreds have been renewed to the times of Muslim Conquest and of Crusades.  West has its own military-strategic force - NATO, but Islam is not organized or does not have leaderships willing to challenge West.  They should be created then.  So the Muslim Brotherhood is given green light to power everywhere in Arab world.  Once Muslim Brotherhood grabbs power in Arab world, it will challenge West.  Then Bankers will get their dream - a world war, out of which they will argue for supranational world government.  China and Russia were smart enough not to fall into that trapp, but Muslim world is being in every way possible set up to  fullfil the enemy's role. 
  Anyways, US should abstain from fullfiling the bankers' dream come true - WW3, since short of destruction it will visit on humanity, it will pave way for bankers to set up their world government.  As Warburg - one of premier world bankers said in 1950 before US Congress - We will have a world government, weather by consent or by conflict.  By consent they are not likely to have it, but by conflict they have a better chance.  WW1 gave birth to the prototype of world government - to the League of Nations.  WW2 upgraded The League to United Nations, not a world government yet, but more so than The League ever was.  Now the banking cabal is going for their final kill - WW3 and the ultimate world government, nothing short of the biblical System of The Beast headed by the anti-Christ.  If this is that time, we know how short-lived that rule will be, to be crushed by Returning King Jesus.  Amen. 
  The above 4 measures offered by me are a therapy.  Let no one think it is so badly radical that it can not be done. The alternative will be a surgery down the line, and surgery is always bloody and painful.  The danger of surgery is that it spills over its intended area, and covers the whole body, sometimes not even touching the cancerous tumor.  The Holocaust during WW2 was such an event.
  International finance directly relates to historical appearances in  age of impearialism.  Spain stopped being the dominant  empire shortly after it got rid of high finance as part of expulsion of Jews in 1492.  Jewish High Finance landed in Italian city-states, and in Ottoman Empire, which quickly became premier Mediterranean naval powers(Venice, Genoa, Ottoman Empire).  After Italian cities got rid off Jewish financiers as well, as part of overall expulsion of Jews, the High Finance moved to Protestant North.  From that point on you have rise of North German cities and of Holland.  Holland - a tiny European nation became the premier naval power of the world - to the point that it occupied countries several times its own size - half a world away.  Untill 47 years ago, Holland occupied Indonesia.  Holland was brought down by England, since England was being quickly set up to be the premier imperial tool of Jewish high finance.  Ottoman Empire continued its existence all the way up to 1918, since Jewish finance never left it, because Ottomans never expelled Jews, but treated them good.  At one point Turks became so powefull that the Mediterranean Sea was called a Turkish lake, with France having relinquished a naval base to Turkish navy on its southern shore.  Interestingly Turks never got rid of Jewish people or their finance.  So they survived as an empire unlike Spain and Italian city-states.  Anyways this is the premier power - Jewish High Finance that financed all the empires of modern age.  America is the latest in that list of empires.  Anytime in this blog that I spoke about International bankers, international finance, private central bankers or banksters, I was refering to Jewish High Finance.  This is no prejudice, but is a historical fact.  This brings us to Jewish World programm, but I'll cover that subject in a different post, in future.

  For now, we have to implement the above-mentioned methods to fix our main problems.  Failure to do that will either cause The Second American Revolution, or will eventually cause a world-wide holocaust of the Jewish nation.  European Zionism ended up in European Holocaust of Jews.  World-wide zionism will end up in world-wide holocaust of Jews.  Zionism is more than Jewish nation's right to Palestine.  It is a plan of world domination of Jews.  That is not a wish, but a clear warning, based on thorough and rigid analysis of matters.  God bless.  I will attend to these and to other issues in future blogs.                  

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Garen Mailyan's platform for US Congress

  Hi.  This is Garen Mailyan.  I am running for US Congress in # 28th district of California that includes Glendale, Burbank, Hollywood, etc. areas.  I am a born-again Christian.  I have a graduate degree in Political Science from California State University, Northridge.  I work as a security officer.  I am single, so far, hoping to change that.  I am an Armenian-American.  I am a naturalized US citizen.  I came to US with my family in 1991, at age of 18.  I spent my late teens, my twenties and thirties in US, without leaving it, not even once.  So, I consider myself an American.  I'll be forty later this year.  Anyways, on to my reasons for running.
                                               My plan has following targets

  #1.  Abolish The Federal Reserve System/IRS/Fractional Reserve Banking/Stock Exchanges

  #2.  Ban all secret societies and secretive orders - chiefest among them Freemasonry/Illuminati

  #3.  Break up all evil monopolies in Media/Entertainment/Education using existing Anti-Trust legislature

  #4.  Transform US foreign policy to satisfy US national interests, rather than interests of International Bankers, who seek to create One World Government 

  This is my first post.  I will follow up with details in near future.  God bless all.